Efavirenz - Side Effects, Precautions and Contraindications
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Drug Class: Commonly Known As: Category:
Antiretroviral Agent Stocrin Children, Adult

Efavirenz - Side Effects, Precautions, and Contraindications

What side effects can Efavirenz cause?

​Common side effects that may occur are:

  • Dizziness. To get up slowly from a sitting or lying position. Try to avoid tasks or actions that require alertness such as riding a bicycle, rollerblading or other sport activities.
  • Headache. Take painkillers such as paracetamol to relieve pain.
  • Stomach discomfort, nausea and/or vomiting. Eating small frequent meals or sucking on hard, sugar-free candy may help to reduce these side effects.
  • Nightmares/Vivid dreams. Dreams usually occur initially when your child first started taking the medication. It usually stops after a few days or weeks. They may last longer in some people. If they become bothersome, try taking the dose earlier in the evening.
  • Insomnia. Take it earlier in the night if it affects your sleep.
  • Feeling tired or fatigue
  • Loose stools or diarrhoea.
  • Mild to moderate skin rash. Taking antihistamines may improve tolerability.
  • High cholesterol level, high triglyceride level. Changes in body fat may occur (Redistribution/accumulation of body fat in areas such as the back of the neck, breasts or abdomen)

Inform your doctor if the side effects become severe and bothersome. Report to your doctor immediately if you/your child experiences any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe rash associated with blistering/ulceration or fever.
  • Signs of low mood (depression), feeling unhappy or inattentive/unresponsive most of the time.
  • Darkening of the urine, yellowing of the skin and eyes.

Efavirenz may affect the cholesterol level and liver enzymes level. Your doctor will routinely monitor the levels prior to the treatment initiation and while you/your child is on this medication.

Before taking Efavirenz , what precautions must I follow?

What food or medicine must I avoid when I take Efavirenz ?

  • Updated on 9/28/2017 12:00:00 AM
  • Article contributed by Pharmacy Department KK Women's and Children's Hospital
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