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Preparing for Admission

When you are admitted to the hospital, we hope to get you settled and feel comfortable as quickly as possible. 

Reporting Time

A SMS will be sent to you 1 working day before admission (excluding Sat and Sun) to inform on the arrival time:

  • Day Surgery/Same Day Admission/Short Stay Ward (1pm to 3pm)
  • Inpatient (11:30am to 1pm)

If you have not received the SMS by the stated time or if you have any further queries, you may reach us at:

  • Day Surgery/Short Stay Ward @ Surgery on 2: +65 6930 3724
  • Interventional Radiology @ Surgery on 2: +65 6930 3958
  • Day Surgery/Short Stay Ward/Same Day Admission @ Surgery on 3: +65 6930 3829
  • Inpatient/Day Surgery at SKH Medical Centre @ Admissions Office: +65 6930 6001

Registration and Document to Bring

On the day of your admission, please register at the reporting location as informed to you. During registration, our staff will confirm your preferred ward type and mode of payment. You will also be provided a patient identification wrist band.
Please bring along the original documents and deposit for your admission

  • Patient's identity document: Identity Card/Passport/Work Permit/Work Pass 
  • Civil Service Card (CSC) or other benefit card
  • Data Sharing Consent form (if applicable)
  • Medical Claims Authorisation Form & NRIC of MediSave Account Holder(s) (if applicable)
  • Letter of Guarantee (LOG) (if applicable)
  • Deposit (if applicable)

You may be required to place a deposit upon admission. Partial or waiver of deposit may be accepted if LOG from the employer or insurance company is presented upon admission. Find out more about LOG here.

Other Essential Items to Pack for Your Stay 

To avoid property loss, we recommend that you bring only essential items to the hospital:

  • Current mediations. This includes over-the-counter medications and traditional remedies
  • Non-slip slippers
  • Toiletries (e.g. toothbrush, toothpaste, comb)
  • Case to store your spectacles/contact lenses/dentures, as they may be removed before surgery

Please leave
your personal belongings and valuables such as excessive cash and jewellery at home. SKH shall not be held liable or responsible for the loss or damage of any valuables or personal items during your stay. Patients and their caregivers who bring valuables to the hospital do so at their own risk. Find out more about safekeeping of your personal belonging here.

Get Directions

For directions to the admitting venues, please refer to the SKH Map.

  • Admissions Office, Level 2 @ Lobby B
  • Surgery on 2, Level 2 @ Lobby B
  • Surgery on 3, Level 3 @ Lobby B
  • Endoscopy Centre, Level 2 @ Lobby C

Use of Personal Mobility Aids (PMAs) 

At SKH Campus, ensuring the safety of our patients, visitors and staff is our priority. Patient care and treatment areas can sometimes become crowded, and we want to make sure everyone can move around safely and comfortably. 

To help prevent any accidents or injuries, we are restricting PMA use in the clinics, wards, and the Emergency Department, with effect from 2 January 2025. This change is part of our ongoing efforts to create a safer environment for everyone in our hospital premises. This policy will apply to all patients, visitors, caregivers, and next-of-kin. 

Starting 2 January 2025: 

  • Personal Mobility Aids (PMAs), such as mobility scooters, are not allowed in clinics, wards, and the Emergency Department. 

  • Only wheelchairs, including motorised ones, will be permitted. 

If you are being admitted, you are advised to arrange for your PMAs to be taken home. Alternatively, PMAs may be parked at designated parking bays on the SKH Campus. If you need assistance moving around during your stay or visit, we are happy to provide wheelchair assistance. Please approach our Visitor Service Officers or any hospital staff for assistance. 

Thank you for your cooperation in making SKH Campus a safe environment for everyone. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

 1. Why are PMAs not allowed in clinics, wards, and the Emergency Department (ED)?

  • Patient care and treatment areas can sometimes become crowded, and we want to make sure all patients, visitors and staff can move around safely and comfortably. To help prevent any accidents or injuries, we will be restricting PMA use in the clinics, wards and the ED starting 2 January 2025. This policy will create a safer environment for everyone in the hospital. 
 2. Where can I park my PMA?

 Parking bays are conveniently located at: 

  • Emergency Department --> ED main walk-in entrance 

  • Blk 3 and Blk 6 --> Behind Lift Lobby B

  • Blk 1 and Blk 2--> Behind Polar shop

  • Medical Centre --> Main Drop-off/Pick-up point 

  • Community Hospital --> In front of Blk 7 and Blk 9 registration counter

  • Surgery on 2 --> Lift Lobby B (Level 2)

  • Endoscopy Centre --> Outside Endoscopy Centre (Level 2)

 If you need assistance finding these parking bays, please approach any hospital or visitor registration staff.


 3. How can I move around without my PMA during my visit or stay in SKH? Can I use my PMA while visiting or accompanying someone in the ward, clinic, or the ED?   

  • Our staff are here to help all patients and visitors. If you need assistance moving around to and from scans or tests, or other areas related to your hospital visit, our trained staff would be happy to provide wheelchair assistance. If you are warded, we strongly recommend minimising movement and resting as much as possible for your recovery. 

 4. Are PMA charging services available in SKH? What if my battery runs out?

  • For safety reasons due to fire risk, we do not provide electrical charging facilities/services for PMAs. To ensure you have enough battery charge for your journey home, we recommend minimising PMA use within the hospital. If your battery runs out, please do not hesitate to approach our staff for queries. 

 5. Can hospital staff help to take my PMA home for me? Can you store my PMA for me?

  • We encourage you or a family member to arrange for your PMA’s transport home, or you can park it at parking bays in the hospital premises. We kindly seek your understanding that we are unable to take responsibility for the safekeeping of PMAs or personal belongings, whether they are being moved or stored. If you need help finding the parking bay(s), we will be glad to direct you.  

 6. What if I have concerns with this policy? 

  • Our main goal of this policy is to ensure safety for all patients, visitors, and staff. If you are finding it hard to comply with this policy, it may affect our ability to provide you with timely care. If you have concerns about complying, our medical staff may discuss alternative care options. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work together to maintain a safe environment at SKH.