Viral Myocarditis Diagnosis: biopsy heart muscle, blood test, echocardiography | National Heart Centre Singapore
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Viral Myocarditis

Viral Myocarditis - How to prevent?

Viral Myocarditis - Causes and Risk Factors

Viral Myocarditis - Diagnosis

How is viral myocarditis diagnosed?

​The diagnosis of myocarditis is usually a diagnosis of exclusion because there are many causes of heart failure. Definite diagnosis of viral myocarditis can only be made with biopsy of the heart muscle, which is a high-risk test. However, there are usually some ECG and blood test abnormalities showing signs of heart muscle damage, while ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography) may show a dilated and weakened heart. Antibodies to the virus may be high in patients with viral myocarditis and can be detected in the blood after a few weeks.

Viral Myocarditis - Preparing for surgery

Viral Myocarditis - Post-surgery care

Viral Myocarditis - Other Information

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