Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - Treatments | Singapore General Hospital
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Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring

Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - Symptoms

Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - How to prevent?

Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - Diagnosis

Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - Treatments

Medications Sleep Obstructive Apnoea Singapore General HospitalEffective treatment is available for almost all patients. Treatment of both snoring and OSA requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Treatment for snoring

The treatment of snoring is divided into medical and surgical options. The treatment choice is individualised. In the treatment of snoring, a ’staged’ approach is often used, which generally involves medical therapy first, followed by consideration of surgery, if medical therapy is unsuccessful.


For patients with snoring and mild OSA, a conservative approach is usually recommended. These include:

  • Weight loss
  • Avoidance of alcohol
  • Sedative medications. Sedatives relax the muscles at the back of the throat and may depress breathing.
  • Nasal congestion is also treated with medications. Nasal obstruction increases the frequency of snoring and disordered breathing during sleep.
  • Sleeping on the sides rather than on the back. This position prevents the tongue and soft palate from collapsing against the back of the throat and blocking the airway.


Surgical procedures for the treatment of snoring may include nasal, palatal, jaw, tongue and neck surgery. The surgical procedure recommended will depend on the location of the tissues contributing to the snoring.

Treatment for OSA

Indications for treatment of OSA include excessive daytime sleepiness affecting daytime performance, moderate to severe OSA and cardiovascular complications (hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, irregular heart rhythm and stroke).

Treatment of OSA can improve daytime sleepiness, prevent cardiovascular complications, decrease sleep apnoea-related road traffic and workplace accidents, and improve quality of life.

A medical device called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) may be recommended for patients with moderate to severe OSA. This device delivers room air to the nose and back of the throat at a slightly elevated pressure to prevent the airway from collapsing during sleep. CPAP is safe, generally well-tolerated and highly effective. This device must be worn nightly and long-term CPAP compliance is essential for its effectiveness.

Dental appliances that reposition the lower jaw and tongue have been helpful in some patients with mild OSA and snoring. Dental appliances have to be worn every night. Dental and lower jaw joint side effects may prevent compliance.

Surgery may be recommended for treatment of OSA for some individuals. Surgery is individualised and may range from procedures designed to open the nose and enlarge the back of the throat. Medications are ineffective in treating OSA.

Self/Home care

Some useful suggestions for snorers:

  • Reduce weight if you are obese.
  • Avoid taking sleeping pills/ sedatives. Certain sleeping pills may cause the upper airway to relax, leading to snoring.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol after 6pm. Alcohol causes relaxation of muscles of the upper airway.
  • Sleep on your side and avoid sleeping on the back.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking causes swelling of the tissues of the upper airway, which results in snoring.
  • Allow your bed partner to fall asleep before retiring to bed.
  • Provide earplugs for your bed partner.

Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - Preparing for surgery

Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - Post-surgery care

Sleep-disordered Breathing and Snoring - Other Information

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