Peripheral Neuropathy: Treatment | National Neuroscience Institute
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Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy - How to prevent?

Peripheral Neuropathy - Treatments

How is peripheral neuropathy treated?

Treatment will depend on the underlying cause and type of neuropathy. For example, in diabetic neuropathy, treatment will be directed at achieving good blood sugar control to prevent further nerve damage. Symptomatic relief for neuropathic pain can usually be achieved by medications, such as amitriptyline and gabapentin.

Immune-mediated neuropathies are treated with either intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) or steroids. IVIG is pooled donor plasma which contains normal antibodies that can temporarily counteract the abnormal ones in the body. Steroids will help to suppress an abnormal immune response that attacks the nerve.

Surgical decompression may benefit those with entrapment neuropathy, such as CTS.

Peripheral Neuropathy - Preparing for surgery

Peripheral Neuropathy - Post-surgery care

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