Ocular Inflammation and Immunology Treatment | Singapore National Eye Centre
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Ocular Inflammation and Immunology

Ocular Inflammation and Immunology - Symptoms

Ocular Inflammation and Immunology - How to prevent?

Ocular Inflammation and Immunology - Treatments

Ocular inflammation is a serious eye condition that may scar the eye. You need to have it treated as soon as possible. Eye drops, especially steroids and pupil dilators, can reduce inflammation and pain. For more severe inflammation, oral medication or injections may be necessary.

Uveitis may have these complications:

  • Glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye)
  • Cataract (clouding of the eye's natural lens)
  • Neovascularisation (growth of new, abnormal blood vessels)
    These complications may develop in chronic severe inflammation. Specialist care is essential to ensure your condition is appropriately managed.

Ocular Inflammation and Immunology - Preparing for surgery

Ocular Inflammation and Immunology - Post-surgery care

Ocular Inflammation and Immunology - Other Information

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