How to prepare for Liver Transplant Surgery | Implantation of Donor's Liver | Singapore General Hospital
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Liver Transplant

Liver Transplant - How to prevent?

Liver Transplant - Causes and Risk Factors

Liver Transplant - Diagnosis

Liver Transplant - Preparing for surgery

Liver transplant is one of the most complicated surgeries one could undergo (hence requiring the extensive work up to ensure that your body is able to withstand a long surgery). For recipients, the total surgery time may range anywhere between 10 to 16 hours, sometimes even longer especially if you had past abdominal surgeries. This surgery involves making an incision across your mid abdomen in the shape of an inverted T. Your surgery proceeds in 2 major steps – the explantation of your diseased liver, followed by implantation of the donor’s liver.  

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