Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment: By Team of Specialists | National Dental Centre Singapore
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Lip and Palate

Lip and Palate - Symptoms

Lip and Palate - How to prevent?

Lip and Palate - Diagnosis

Lip and Palate - Treatments

Treatment goals are to improve the child's ability to eat, speak and hear normally and to achieve a normal facial appearance. 

Treatment of these associated dental and jaw conditions are best carried out by a team of specialists. In NDCS, we have a cleft clinic and the specialists include: 
  • Pedodontists (who specialize in the care of children's teeth) 
  • Orthodontists (who specialize in braces for tooth movement and the orthopedic movement of the jaws) 
  • Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons (who perform surgery in the mouth and jaws) 
  • Prosthodontists (who make artificial teeth or mask short or poorly formed teeth).
We will also work closely with specialists from Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH)
  • Plastic Surgeons 
  • Pediatricians 
  • ENTs 
  • Speech therapists 
  • Psychologists

Lip and Palate - Preparing for surgery

Lip and Palate - Post-surgery care

Lip and Palate - Other Information

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