Kidney Stones Diagnosis: X-rays, Ultrasound, Intravenous urogram (IVU) and more | Singapore General Hospital
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Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones - Diagnosis

Several tests will be performed when you seek a urologic specialist


The gold standard investigation is a computerised tomography (CT) scan, which is highly sensitive and able to detect even small stones. 

  • X-Rays of Kidneys and Bladder: These are commonly performed as a quick screening test especially in the emergency department but might miss small kidney stones.
  • Ultrasound: A simple non-invasive test that can also be performed quickly to evaluate for kidney stones or obstruction in the urinary system.
  • Intravenous urogram (IVU) or computerised tomography (CT) scan: These imaging techniques used to detect kidney stones by visualizing the urinary tract and identifying the presence and location of stones within the kidneys and urinary system.
Additional urine and blood tests may be needed to exclude infection and impairment of kidney function.

You may be asked to collect urine for 24 hours to measure urine volume and the levels of chemicals in the urine. Your doctor will also ask about your medical history, occupation, and eating habits.

Urine tests: 

Urinalysis: Red blood cells in the urine might be caused by presence of a stone. Urinary nitrites might also suggest presence of infection. The pH of urine might suggest the underlying stone that is present (acidic urine for uric acid stones, alkaline urine for struvite stones).

Urine cultures: Urine is taken and cultured over a period of time to determine presence of bacteria in the urine.

Blood tests: 

Metabolic workup: To evaluate if certain salts and minerals are raised within the blood, including calcium, phosphate and uric acid.

Creatinine: To evaluate renal function which can be compromised by presence of a kidney stone.

Kidney Stones - Preparing for surgery

Kidney Stones - Post-surgery care

Kidney Stones - Other Information

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