Cancer Other Information: How can I help a child who has cancer | KKH
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Cancer in Children

Cancer in Children - Symptoms

Cancer in Children - Diagnosis

Cancer in Children - Treatments

Cancer in Children - Preparing for surgery

Cancer in Children - Post-surgery care

Cancer in Children - Other Information

​How Can I Help A Child Who Has Cancer?

A child who has cancer will have to undergo physical discomforts, both from the cancer and its treatment, which will last for a while. As a result, the child will experience fear, pain, and sometimes, anger. A lot of support is needed to help the child go through this difficult time.

If you know a child who has cancer, you can help the child by:

  • Keeping in contact with the child. You can send the child letters, photos, cards, gifts, emails. Remember special occasions like the child's birthday.
  • Visiting the child in hospital or at home - it is good to call first to ask when a good time to visit is. Don't be disappointed when the child feels tired during your visit.
  • Giving non-food items as gifts. A child with cancer undergoing treatment needs to be careful about his diet. Often, foods taste different, and appetite decreases.
  • Being a good listener and be sensitive about what you say.
  • Helping the child keep up with schoolwork so the child can cope better when he returns to class. Tell him the latest news in school. Many children with cancer do miss school.

KKH also administers a fund called the KK Outreach to Kids Fund - Cancer, to help these children pay for their treatment. If you wish to make a donation, please call tel: +65 6394 2324/1.

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