How to Diagnose Behcet's Syndrome | Recurrent Mouth Ulcers | Singapore General Hospital
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Behcet’s Disease

Behcet’s Disease - How to prevent?

Behcet’s Disease - Diagnosis

The symptoms of Behcet’s disease can mimic many other diseases and therefore these conditions need to be excluded before a diagnosis of Behcet’s disease can be made. There is no specific blood test that can diagnose Behcet’s disease. Hence the diagnosis is based on a set of symptoms and signs, including recurrent mouth ulcers at least three times a year, in addition to two of the following:
  • Eye problems as confirmed by an eye specialist
  • Skin rashes
  • Genital ulcers
  • Positive pathergy test, which is a test to indicate whether the immune system is over-reacting to a minor injury

Behcet’s Disease - Preparing for surgery

Behcet’s Disease - Post-surgery care

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