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Awards & Achievements

​Award(s) /
​​30 Dec 2022
104 recipients
View the list here​
​​National Awards (Covid-19)
​28 Dec 2022
​Asst Prof Francis Wong
Director, Research Office
Consultant, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
​National Medical Research Council Awards 2022
​Transition Award
​3 Nov 2022
Dr Tousif Kabir
Consultant, Department of Surgery
​SingHealth Publish! Award
​7 Sep 2022
7 recipients
View the list here​
​Singapore Healthcare Management 2022 Combined Poster Competition Awards
​9 Aug 2022
20 recipients
View the list here
​National Day Awards
​4 Aug 2022
​Prof Teo Eng Kiong
CEO, Sengkang General Hospital
​Minister of Home Affairs National Day Award (Home Team Volunteers)

​27 Jul 2022
​372 recipients
View the list here
​You Sparkle! Awards 2022
​26 Jul 2022
​Ms Zhang Di
Assistant Director, Nursing (APN)
​President's Award for Nurses
​25 Jul 2022
​44 recipients
View the list here
​Nurses' Day Awards
6 Jul 2022
​6 recipients
View the list here
MOH Nurses' Merit Award​
​14 Jun 2022

​Dr Wong Bak Siew Steven
Head and Senior Consultant, Department of Radiology
​GCEO Excellence Awards

​ ​
​Outstanding Clinician Award
Mrs Chua Hui Ling Melissa
Head, Speech Therapy
​Outstanding Allied Health Professional Award
Assoc Prof Aw Chen Wee Derick
- Education Director, SKH Campus
- Senior Consultant, Department of General Medicine
​Outstanding Educator Award 
Ms Ng Li Li Deborah
Senior Nurse Manager, Ward 33-HDU
​Outstanding Nurse Award
Mr Tham Chee Hong Jansen
Deputy Director, Operations
​Outstanding Administrative & Ancillary Staff Award
​14 Jun 2022

Mrs Tai-Chui Lin Min Ivy
- Chief Human Resource Officer (Recruitment), SingHealth
- Chief Human Resource Officer, SKH
​SingHealth Excellence Awards

​Distinguished People Leader Award
Dr Pek Hen Heng
Consultant, Department of Emergency Medicine
​Distinguished Young Leader Award
​26 May 2022

Ms Nooridah Binte Mohd Noor
Home-based business ower
​Inspirational Patient & Caregiver Awards

​Inspirational Patients (Partner-In-Care Award)
Mdm Ng Siang Yang
​Inspirational Patients
Mdm Mardiah Binte Pardi
Full-time Caregiver and Breast Cancer Patient
​Inspirational Caregivers