Lumps & Bumps in the Neck – When should I be worried?
A lump in the neck can be alarming, especially if it is visible. Many neck lumps are benign and maybe secondary to infections. For example, a bout of upper respiratory tract infection can cause lymph nodes to swell. However, a neck lump may also be the presentation of a more serious illness such as cancer. Recognising some of the features associated with a neck lump may help a person in deciding on the urgency of seeking a medical assessment
Dr Tan Choon Chieh, Senior Consultant, from the Heck and Neck Service at Sengkang General Hospital (SKH) will explain what a lump in the neck may be.
Fatty Liver Disease, Liver Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer – What do I need to know?
Who gets cirrhosis of the liver? You might be surprised. Traditionally cirrhosis has been thought to be a disease of older men, but recent study shows that the face of cirrhosis is changing. A new study has found cirrhosis rates are increasing the fastest among young adults. Liver cirrhosis refers to a shrunken, scarred and hardened liver with potential for deterioration of liver function. It results from chronic (long-term) damage to the liver from various causes, leading to progressive scarring of the liver over years.Recognising some of the symptoms associated with Fatty Liver Disease, Liver Cirrhosis may help a person in deciding on medical assessment
Dr Tousif Kabir, Associate Consultant, from the Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) at Sengkang General Hospital (SKH) will explain the causes and risk factors of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Join us at this public forum as our experts will share on how to recognise, treat and manage these conditions and get tips on how to care for a patient with the above conditions.