Dr Koh is a Senior Consultant in Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at the Department of General Medicine, Sengkang General Hospital.
Following the completion of her training in endocrinology in Singapore, she underwent research fellowship in islet biology at Joslin Diabetes Centre, USA and islet transplantation at the University of Alberta, Canada.
She was faculty at the University of Alberta where she set up the insulin pump programme and was also the endocrinologist for the Clinical Islet Transplantation programme.
She was Senior Consultant in Endocrinology and Deputy Head of the Department of General Medicine at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital before joining Sengkang General Hospital.
Her clinical and research interests are in Type 1 Diabetes and Islet Transplantation.
Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships
- Senior Clinical Lecturer, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Lee Kong Chian Medical School
- Member, Residency Advisory Committee, Endocrinology
- Member, Examination Committee, Endocrinology
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- National Medical Research Council / Singapore Totalisator Board
- Medical Research Fellowship Award, 2004
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- Sitagliptin plus pantoprazole can restore but not maintain insulin independence after clinical islet transplantation: results of a pilot study. Senior PA, Koh A, Yau J, Imes S, Dinyari P, Malcolm AJ, Light P, Shapiro AM. Diabet Med. 2016 Apr 17.
- Development and validation of a carbohydrate and insulin dosing knowledge quiz in adults with diabetes mellitus. Angela Koh, Anuradha Negi, Mee Li Yap, Pei Ling Fang Koh, Kian Peng Goh, Chee Fang Sum. J of ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2015; 30(2): 129 - 137.
- Effects of Resveratrol in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Skeletal Muscle SIRT1 Expression and Energy Expenditure. Goh KP, Lee HY, Lau DP, Supaat W, Chan YH, Koh AF. International Journal of Sports Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism 2014; 24(1):2-13.
- Successful Treatment of Brittle Diabetes Following Total Pancreatectomy by Islet Allo-transplantation: a case report. Angela Koh, Sharleen Imes, Andrew Mark James Shapiro, Peter A Senior. Journal of the Pancreas 2013; 14(4):428 - 431.
- Canadian Diabetes Association 2013 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Canada: Pancreas and Islet Transplantation. Paty B, Koh A, Senior P. Can J Diabetes 2013;37(suppl 1):S94-96.
- Long-term follow-up of hepatic ultrasound findings in subjects with magnetic resonance imaging-defined hepatic steatosis following clinical islet transplantation: A case-control study. Jackson S, Mager DR, Bhargava R, Ackerman T, Imes S, Hubert G, Koh A, Shapiro AM, Senior PA. Islets. 2013:1:5(1).
- Evaluation of Bone Health in Adults Undergoing Islet Transplantation. Stephanie T. Schwindt, Grace Hubert, Angela Koh, A.M.J. Shapiro, Peter A. Senior, Diana R. Mager. Can J Diabetes 36 (2012) 224-227.
- Status Update and Review of Progress over the Last Decade. Peter A. Senior, Tatsuya Kin, James Shapiro, Angela Koh. Islet Transplantation at the University of Alberta: Can J Diabetes 36 (2012) 32-37.
- Late Cytomegalovirus Transmission and Impact of T-Depletion in Clinical Islet Transplantation. Gala-Lopez BL, Senior PA, Koh A, Kashkoush SM, Kawahara T, Kin T, Humar A, Shapiro AM. AM J Transplant 2011.
- Remission of Alopecia Universalis Following Successful Clinical Islet Transplantation. Senior PA, Koh A, Shapiro AM. AM J Transplant. 2011:11: 2536-7.
- Portal Vein Thrombosis Is a Potentially Preventable Complication in Clinical Islet Transplantation. Kawahara T, Kin T, Kashkoush S, G-Lopez B, Bigam DL, Kneteman NM, Koh A, Senior PA, Shapiro AM. AM J Transplant 2011.
- Rat neonatal beta cells lack the specialised metabolic phenotype of mature beta cells. A. Jermendy, E. Toschi, T. Aye, A.Koh, C. Aguayo-Mazzucato , A. Sharma, G.C. Weir, D Sgroi, S. Bonner-Weir. Diabetologia. 2011:54(3):594-604.
- Three Cases of Alopecia Following Clinical Islet Transplantation. D. M. Zuk, A. Koh, S. Imes, A. M. J. Shapiro and P. A. Senior. American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 163-168.
- Mafa expression enhances glucose-responsive insulin secretion in neonatal rat beta cells. C. Aguayo-Mazzucato, A. Koh, I. El Khattabi, W.-C Li, E. Toschi, A. Jermendy, K. Juhl, K. Mao, G. C. Weir, A. Sharma & S. Bonner-Weir. Diabetologia. 2011:54(3):583-93.
- Supplemental islet infusions restore insulin independence after graft dysfunction in islet transplant recipients. Angela Koh, Sharleen Imes, Tatsuya Kin, Parastoo Dinyari, Andrew Malcolm, Christian Toso, AM James Shapiro, Peter Senior. Transplantation 2010 Feb 15;89(3):361-5.
- Insulin-Heparin infusions peri-transplant improve single donor clinical islet transplant success. Angela Koh, Sharleen Imes, Tatsuya Kin, Parastoo Dinyari, Andrew Malcolm, Christian Toso, AM James Shapiro, Peter Senior. Transplantation. 2010 Feb 27;89(4):465-71.
- Histological graft assessment after clinical islet transplantation. Toso C, Isse K, Demetris AJ, Dinyari P, Koh A, Imes S, Kin T, Emamaullee J, Senior P, Shapiro AMJ. Transplantation 2009 Dec 15;88(11):1286-93.
- The relationship between ACE gene ID polymorphism and aerobic capacity in Asian rugby players. Goh KP, Chew K, Koh A, Guan M, Wong YS, Sum CF. Singapore Medical Journal. 2009;50(10):997 - 1003.
- High prevalence of ovarian cysts in pre-menopausal women receiving sirolimus and tacrolimus after clinical islet transplantation. Eman Alfadhli, Angela Koh, Waleed Albaker, Ravi Bhargava, Thomas Ackerman, Charlotte McDonald, Edmond A.Ryan, A.M. James Shapiro, Peter A. Senior. Transplant Int 2009, 22:622-625.
- Islets isolated from donors with elevated HBA1c can be successfully transplanted. Angela Koh, Tatsuya Kin, Sharleen Imes, A.M. James Shapiro, Peter Senior. Transplantation 2008; 86(11):1622-4.
- Angiotensin receptor antagonist vs. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor in Asian subjects with type 2 diabetes and albuminuria - a randomized crossover study. Lim SC, Koh AF, Goh SK, Chua CL, Heng BL, Subramaniam T, Sum CF. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007 Jul;9(4):477-82.
- p16INK4a induces an age-dependent decline in islet regenerative potential. Krishnamurthy J, Ramsey MR, Ligon KL, Torrice C, Koh A, Bonner-Weir S, Sharpless NE. Nature. 2006 Sep 28; 443(7110): 404-5.
- Relationship between common functional polymorphisms of the p22phox gene (-930A>T and +242C>T) and nephropathy as a result of Type 2 Diabetes in a Chinese population. Lim SC, Goh SK, Lai YR, Tee WW, Koh A, Xu XH, Wu YS, Yap E, Subramaniam T, Sum CF. Diabet Med 2006 Sep; 23(9) 1037-41
- Recent Advances in Oral Pharmacological Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes. Tan HH, A Koh, Lim Su Chi. Medical Progress July 2003.
- Does Andropause Exist? A Koh, C Rajasoorya. The Singapore Family Physician. 2003; 29(2) 52-55.
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