The Department of Physiotherapy at Sengkang General Hospital provides physiotherapy services in both an inpatient and outpatient setting. Through a holistic and clinically reasoned approach, our physiotherapists aim to help people of all ages and abilities to optimise mobility and function. This is often done with patient-specific health goals in mind – whether it is to return to independent living, pre-injury status, or a sport or activity of choice. With all our patients, our team focuses on individualised care that includes a comprehensive assessment with clinical reasoning and a full complement of exercise, modalities and manual therapies in order to manage pain and maximise function and independence.
Our Clinical Services
The outpatient physiotherapy services provided at level 2, Lift Lobby C, Outpatient Rehabilitation Centre, include:
- Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Neurological Physiotherapy
- Geriatric Physiotherapy
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Pain Management
- Rheumatology and Autoimmune Physiotherapy
- Lymphoedema Physiotherapy
- Return to Work Programme
- Amputee Rehabilitation
Please note that in order to be seen in our clinic, doctor's referral is needed.
Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy
We manage a wide range of conditions affecting muscles, bones, joints, and ligaments, including post-surgical impairments and sports injuries. Conditions that include sprains, strains, overuse injuries, and joint stiffness or inflammation can be addressed through comprehensive assessments and holistic, goal-oriented treatment plans. If you need to return to your sport, we offer specialised physical assessments, such as strength testing, and develop sport-specific treatment programmes. These programmes may include agility, strength, flexibility, and power training to ensure a safe and successful return to your activities.
STAR (Spine Triage and Rehabilitation)
The STAR program is designed to help people with back and neck pain get the right care quickly. In this program, physiotherapists work closely with spine surgeons to evaluate and treat patients in the same session. These physiotherapists are trained to identify when further tests, like x-rays or MRIs, are needed. If a patient needs additional medical attention, a spine surgeon is available nearby to assist. Most patients find that physiotherapy alone is sufficient to manage their back and neck symtopms. To learn more about STAR and see if it's right for you, talk to your polyclinic doctor and have them refer you.
Neurological Physiotherapy
Our Neurological Physiotherapy services help people with conditions affecting their nervous system, like stroke, brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, neuromuscular conditions, or spinal cord injury. Our services include:
- Comprehensive neurological and balance assessment
- Gait analysis and training, including treadmill training with body-weight support
- Functional movement analysis and retraining
- Muscle activation and re-education, using electrical stimulation
- Advanced technology and robotics, such as the G-EO SystemTMand virtual reality simulation
- Group classes include:
- POINTE (Post Stroke Outpatient Intensive Exercise) class: High-repetition focused therapy for stroke survivors (aimed at those in the subacute phase) to drive neuroplasticity and enhance brain recovery
- Parkinson's Disease Exercise Class: PD-specific strategy-based exercises designed to manage symptoms and improve movement, supporting a successful transition into community rehabilitation.
If you are interested in participating in any of the above classes, please speak to your doctor or physiotherapist.
Geriatric Physiotherapy
Our Geriatric Physiotherapy services are for older adults who have recently fallen, are experiencing deconditioning, or are at risk of frailty. Through thorough assessments and personalized interventions, we aim to help patients regain independence, improve their functional abilities, and lead active lives. We focus on fall prevention, balance, and strength improvement. We also offer geriatric exercise classes to increase physical activity and reduce the risk of falls. If you wish to participate in the geriatric exercise class, please speak to your doctor or physiotherapist.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive programme of exercise, education, and behavioural modification that aims to improve the physical, social and psychological condition of people with cardiac conditions. Cardiac rehabilitation guides and supports people with cardiac conditions on their quest to recovery, allowing them to return to the community following any cardiac event.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
When you have a lung condition, you may find it hard to walk around or perform your daily activities without getting breathless. Breathlessness can be very frightening. To avoid circumstances where one might become breathless, people with a lung condition often reduce the amount of activity they do each day. In the long run, they will become unfit, tired, and even more breathless. If you are experiencing this, you may benefit from the pulmonary rehabilitation programme. Pulmonary rehabilitation aims to help you cope with your breathlessness, through exercise training, breathing techniques, and education on coping strategies.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based physiotherapy to help patients with dizziness and/or balance issues. Conditions such as vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular hypofunction and neck related dizziness can be helped with physiotherapy through exercise and attenuation. Our specialised physiotherapists who have undergone additional training, assess and identify peripheral vestibular issues. This is through the use of specialised equipment such as the Frenzel goggles which are optical goggles designed to identify any abnormal movements of the eyes to identify the causes of dizziness. The use of computerised dynamic posturography is also used to objectively quantify the disorder. Prescribed treatment is then given to improve your quality of life through:
- Improved balance
- Reduced falls
- Reduced sensations of dizziness
- Reduced issues related to vestibular disorientation.
Lymphoedema Management
Our specially trained physiotherapists serve the needs of patients with conditions related to the lymphatic system. This include comprehensive assessment and quality care to our patients with lymphatic-related problems, as well as patients who are at risk of developing them. The focus is to provide streamlined care that meets the unique needs of each patient. Treatments such as Complete Decongestive Therapy which include skincare, manual lymphatic drainage massage and compression therapy can help with reducing and managing such swelling from lymphoedema.
Amputee Rehabilitation
Our physiotherapists aim to provide individualised rehabilitation to people with limb loss at different phases from the pre-operative, acute post-operative, pre-prosthetic and eventually to the prosthetic phase. Our rehabilitation program consists of limb care, wound management, strength training and use of the pneumatic post amputation mobility aid to practice gait before the prosthesis is made for the patient, if suitable. We also empower our patients through education and prescription of an individualised home programme. We work closely in a specialised multidisciplinary team, alongside the rehabilitation doctor, prosthetist, nurses and medical social worker, to provide a holistic care for our patients. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to eventually get the patient back to function and returning to daily activities safely with or without a prosthesis.