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Stay tune to this page for exciting nutrition facts and follow us on a healthy living journey:


Less Sugar, Sweeter Life

Part 2 is up! Watch our video as our dietitians share how you can have a sweeter life with less sugar.

Healthy eating tips to make self-care a part of your everyday life

#1 Ramadan Festive Eating Tips

Are you fasting this Ramadan? Healthy fasting is possible if you consume the right food, the right way and in the right quantity. Here are some dietary tips from the Dietetics Department at Sengkang General Hospital (SKH) for a healthier fasting month.

​Trim Fat, Add Wonders

'Good fats' or 'Bad fats'? Is there a difference?

Watch our video as our dietitians share how you can "Trim Fat and Add Wonders" to your life.

#2 Shop your way to good immunity with our Grocery Shopping 101

The time of COVID peaks has gone by, but we are still battling COVID, hence it is still essential to support our immune system by eating healthy. We have prepared a set of grocery tips for inspiration.

The next time you head out to the supermarket, use this guide to help you plan ahead to ensure that you and your family not only eat a variety of food to support your immune system, but also save money and reduce food wastage! 

#3 Eat your way to good immunity with our Healthy Meal Blueprint

Since 2020, COVID has changed many of our daily routines, some of us are still working from home and will continue to do so in the long run, some prefer to stay home to minimise exposures. Being at home brings about the temptation to eat low quality meals that provide instant gratification for our taste buds rather than nutrient-dense whole foods that can also be delicious. Learn how to incorporate healthy meals using the Healthy Meal Blueprint.