A team of doctors doctors and allied health professionals from SGH and SKH have developed a IPPT for Seniors or IPPT-S which is a screening tool to pick up frail, elderly people before health crises such as falls land them in hospital. The test has nine stations to measure flexibility, strength and balance. Those who take part must also complete a questionnaire to assess their nutritional status and quality of life. Assoc Prof Ng Yee Sien, Senior Consultant, Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, SGH and SKH, highlighted that as people age, their bodies deteriorate and become more frail which may manifest as feelings of weakness, exhaustion or even significant weight loss.
The team has been working with community partners – such as senior activity centres - to carry out the screening test for seniors who are still relatively healthy. A pilot was done in June and July involving 100 people in Sengkang. It hopes to reach out to at least 2,000 seniors over the next three years.
[{"FileName":"5 September 2017, Pg 3 LHZB - IPPT for seniors will gauge their frailty, health risks - Tay Ee Ling.pdf","AttachmentUrl":"/sites/shcommonassets/Documents/News/-ippt-for-seniors-will-gauge-their-frailty-health-risks/5 September 2017, Pg 3 LHZB - IPPT for seniors will gauge their frailty, health risks - Tay Ee Ling.pdf"}]|||
News Article;
Sengkang General Hospital;
Medical News (SingHealth);Patient Care