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"I believe that we are in a priviledged position to be able to make a difference to our patients at SKH. This is also a great way to strengthen our own values of kindness and compassion. Certainly, every drop makes an ocean, and by giving, I hope to encourage other friends and colleagues to give and make this ocean bigger! Together, we have the power to improve the lives of our community."

Mr Vivikth Sreenidhi, Manager, Clinical Governance 
Sengkang General Hospital

I am blessed to be given the opportunity to support healthcare causes, which I feel is so meaningful. Health affects all of us and by paying-it-forward to Sengkang General Hospital’s patients, I know my humble action of helping others, can make a difference! It has been my privilege and pleasure to partner with Sengkang General Hospital and I hope more Singaporeans, who have benefited from our healthcare system, will give generously too.” 

Dr Angeline Khoo